Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow, snow go away.....

Growing up in upstate New York, I used to live for the snow. Whenever there was a hint of a potential snow storm brewing that sense of excitement for a snow day was palpable in the hallways of my school.The tantalizing possibility of a snow day always came at the exact right moment: the day before a big test or a night that I needed extra time to work on a paper. The problem was that it was like a game of Russian Roulette. Do you risk not doing the work and then waking up to find that the "blizzard of the century" that they predicted amounted to a few flurries. There were probably nights I didn't study as hard as I should or math problems I saved for homeroom just in case there wasn't a snow day. Often, the blizzard came. Other times, the threat of the blizzard was so great that they cancelled school the night before only to find that there was not even a flake of snow. The most memorable of those days was the "non" snow day I went to see Good Will Hunting with two friends in the 11th grade and ran into my 7th grade math teacher. She was probably younger then I am now, and her boyfriend was HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! That might be the reason that I don't really remember Good Will Hunting.

Guess what, though? I'm not in school anymore. I live in a city where all you do is walk. Sometimes during the threat of a really big snow storm there is the knee jerk reaction of excitement because that is what I have been conditioned to feel, but NYC never closes when you're an adult. If you live on the island of Manhattan, there is very rarely a reason you can't get to work. Adults who don't drive are expected to venture out in the blizzard to get wherever they need to go. Is that reasonable? Of course. Do I hate it? Yes.

It's for that reason that I have no use for snow. Unless there is going to be the blizzard of the century that brings everything to a standstill for two days, I don't want the snow. In these small amounts it is nothing but an annoyance. So to the storm that is thinking of bringing 6 to 10 inches to NYC tonight I have this to say to you: Either DOUBLE that or please just bypass us. Your invitation has been revoked. The storm has been cancelled. I'm sure that there are lots of other cities that would welcome your brand of fun. Thanks.

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